At least 4.7 million hectares of tropical forest are lost each year worldwide. Degradation and deforestation of the world’s native forests are cumulatively responsible for approximately 10% of global net carbon emissions. Forests are multi-diverse ecosystems of great importance. They provide multiple benefits and goods to people, biodiversity and the balance of natural, rural and urban ecosystems. Addressing the destruction of these forests is the core of any concerted effort to combat climate change.
CICLA is supporting Terraformation in the design and implementation of its strategy for the Latin American region by mapping key actors and stakeholders in native forest restoration and identifying opportunities, needs and potential partnerships with key stakeholders (governments, communities, research institutions, civil society organizations and companies) to provide solutions for scaling up and sustaining restoration actions in the region. Partnerships are being promoted with local restoration initiatives at scale that also take into account complementary business models for native forest restoration, such as (i) carbon credits; (ii) restoration to address other corporate commitments (e.g. water footprint, biodiversity, Corporate Social Responsibility); and (iii) value chains of agroforestry and silvopastoral production models, where restoration can improve social, environmental and economic outcomes (e.g. cocoa, coffee, beef, honey, etc.).
Client/Partner: Terraformation