Climate change constitutes a paradigm shift which is radically modifying both productive systems and our consumption habits. This impacts governments, companies and citizens creating threats and opportunities.
Governments have the duty to develop policies to mitigate climate change and, at the same time, to provide the necessary conditions so that both citizens and the productive and service sectors are in optimal conditions to adapt.
Companies and financial institutions should make sure that their actions meet the increasingly stricter criterion regarding their sustainable development policies. Their investments should be oriented to achieve a stronger resilience and to take advantage of the opportunities resulting from these complex changes. To do so, they should develop and implement corporate climate policies taking into account how this is shown to investors and society.
CICLA works with leading organizations to tackle the complex challenges and opportunities that climate change presents by incorporating these challenges and opportunities to their main strategy and commercial processes, recognizing and minimizing risks and ensuring transparency in the disclosure of their actions related to climate change. We provide advice to businesses in their transition towards low-emission production or services systems, taking advantage of climate financing opportunities and collaborating in the search for sustainable investment.
We support national and local governments, international agencies and non-profit organizations (NPO) in the design, preparation, implementation and assessment of climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, plans and programs. Likewise, we design customized training programs for senior management level and high-ranking government officials, as well as the different employees’ levels and teams, in a wide array of issues related to climate change.
Biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented and accelerated rate, negatively affecting not only nature but also the health and wellbeing of people. Human’s activities have an impact on ecosystem services, which are the foundations of our food, materials and energy, restraining the possibilities of achieving sustainable development.
Reverting this tendency is a challenge that involves every sector of society and that requires a wide range of approaches. We believe that it is possible to protect nature whilst achieving other social and economic goals, but this requires making biodiversity part of every strategic decision, particularly those related to soil, natural resources, productive practices, consumption patterns, trade, technological innovation and governance.
CICLA works with its partners and clients to maximize benefits that the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity provide. We apply a variety of methodologies and tools to integrate biodiversity in productive systems, in the management of forests, wetlands, soils, watersheds, coastal zones and seas in initiatives involving the administration of wildlife and plant life, genetic resources, (renewable and non-renewable) natural resources and protected areas.
We also innovate on the development and application of nature-based solutions and green infrastructure to face the crucial current challenges, including climate change, food security, health, disaster risk, water security and access to energy.
The framing of production systems under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) presents significant challenges for the private and public sectors. Social and environmental factors need to be considered in the decisions made by businesses and governments to incentivize and guide investments towards more sustainable production chains.
Demand for greater efforts and guarantees regarding environmental and social performance increasingly pressures the public and private sector to implement sustainable production models and value chains. A wide array of regulations and standards have been issued which address the externalities of productive activities to avoid, minimize, restore and – as a last resort – compensate for its impact.
CICLA works together with diverse organizations to develop solutions to reduce the risks by boosting business and creating value. To such an end, we assess, design, and guide processes for the obtention of certifications under national and international standards. We strengthen capabilities through coaching and training.
Financing productive and development projects, as well as credit line designs, for the private and public sector increasingly require the consideration of environmental and social safeguards. Risk mitigation and management is key in a context where society is aware and reacts to situations which may harm the integrity of the environment and society.
The emerging market of green financial products represents an opportunity for companies and governments to access more and better forms of financing.
CICLA provides integral solutions to comply with green finance requirements and recommendations. We also develop training programs according to the needs of the business and governments and we offer guiding services for senior executives, middle management and officials.
The extraction-production-consumption linear economy has created irreparable harm to our planet, exceeding the limits for the regeneration of its resources.
In Latin America, the demand for resources is increasing at an unsustainable rate. At the same time, each individual approximately generates one kilogram of waste per day, which represents more than 500,000 tons of waste per day, equivalent to 10% of the world’s waste.
It is pivotal that we rethink the way in which we currently produce and consume. Not only does the circular economy propose a more resilient, diverse and inclusive economic model, but it also creates new opportunities for sustainable development. It promotes a model that allows for the closing of production cycles to maintain a constant flow of natural resources.
Replacing the linear model with a circular one could reduce industrial waste by 80% to 99% and its emissions by 79% to 99% in some sectors.
CICLA helps organizations develop strategies that improve the circularity flows of their processes, apply sustainable practices to their value chain and promote innovation.
More than 55% of the global population live in urban areas. This high population concentration consumes approximately 60% of the resources and is responsible for more than 70% of greenhouse gas emissions.
Cities have become strategic centers for economic growth, but also are the stage for great inequalities, particularly in relation to access to services, infrastructure and health.
There is an opportunity to rethink the management and governance of cities to achieve sustainable development, seeking low-carbon, resource efficient and socially fairer policies.
CICLA advises local governments in the development of sustainable planning, management strategies, and in the improvement of urban mobility, water, food, energy and infrastructure systems.
Environmental assessment is a fundamental pillar in the implementation of sustainable development. Its procedures and tools make it possible to foresee and manage the socio-environmental consequences of the actions involved in investment and development projects, policies, and plans. Even though it has been used for more than 50 years and it is regulated in almost all countries of the world, its functionality, efficiency and its compliance is still one of the main environmental challenges.
CICLA provides solutions based on local and international standards of good practices, offering quality and cost- effective socio-environmental assessments to enable companies and evaluating agencies to make better decisions. We advise our clients to identify the socio-environmental issues that will have an impact on their plans and projects, develop strategies to address them and provide support in their implementation.